Our care and support services
Because everyone is different, at Allerton we put the person first: we listen, advise, and craft appropriate support packages to meet each individual’s needs.
Our highly experienced expert teams consult with each customer, their family, and the local authority to ensure the very best care and support, in line with the customer’s personal aspirations and goals.
What is more, since our support and housing teams work so closely together, we’re able to offer a seamless and highly responsive service. The big benefit for our customers is that this enables them to choose how and where they want to live.
What we offer
Supported living
Our supported living services are located at the heart of the community and designed with people in mind. They provide the perfect place for people to build and maintain the life of their choosing.
Mental health
Most people with mental health problems can learn to manage them in time, especially with the right support. We place each individual’s well-being at the centre of everything we do.
Allerton’s outreach services provide the support people need to to live in the community or make the transition from supported living.
Outreach >
Learning disability
We support people with learning disability and autism, working to increase their independence and achieve their goals in life.
Physical disability
By helping to manage a person’s health and wellbeing, we create a stable foundation for a truly independent life, offering specialised home adaptations as needed.
Currently offered in Lincoln (East Midlands), this service provides therapeutic healing and preventative treatments for everyone, regardless of fitness of ability.
Day services
Our day centres offer a person-centred approach to developing skills, pursuing hobbies and meeting friends at the heart of the community.